Try to see it from the other guy’s point of view. He may be wrong. He may be, at least…
Continue reading →Category Archives: israel/palestine
You have to love Likud, Israel’s governing party. Its politicians may not be as smooth as Labor’s grandees, but they…
Continue reading →A needless death in Gaza, and one less witness to its plight
The spectacle of a European or North American hostage – shackled and blindfolded – has been a recurring sight in…
Continue reading →Goldstone’s Guide to Gaza
It takes courage to confront Israel on the battlefield. Egypt, Syria, and Jordan’s puffed-up armies learned that lesson in June…
Continue reading →Britain can never atone for its colonial past
David Cameron spoke with unusual candour for a British prime minister a few days ago when he told university students…
Continue reading →Why Libertarians Should Support the Palestinians
Israel is at it again, caught by its own free press with its hand in the till-not so much the…
Continue reading →Israel’s Great Loyalty Oath Crusade
Captain Black from Catch-22 is back, but this time he’s Israel’s Foreign Affairs Minister. Although Avigdor Lieberman only rose to…
Continue reading →Counterpoint: Land and Sovereignty
In the elegant and incisive style that characterizes all of his writing, James Carroll set out in these pages (“The…
Continue reading →The Gaza Flotilla and Israel’s Many, Many Rights
Anybody can support Israel when times are good and The Timeses in London and New York write about Israeli entrepreneurs…
Continue reading →Under Siege: On Emma Williams
It’s Easier to Reach Heaven Than the End of the Street A Jerusalem Memoir. By Emma Williams. Foreword by Brian…
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