Bring Out Your Dead (to Vote)

An Irishman’s home is his coffin.
– James Joyce, Ulysses
The dead use a graveyard forever.
– Nathan Englander, The Ministry of Special Cases

Over the last couple of months, corpses have turned up all over the world. In August alone, the following bodies were found:

  • In Bosnia, near Lake Perucac, the International Commission for Missing Persons discovered fifty bodies from the 1992 Visegrad massacre.
  • Seventy-two bodies, apparently of migrants headed for the United States to seek work, turned up on a ranch in Mexico’s Tamaulipas state.
  • Also in Mexico, divers retrieved the skeleton of a boy who died 10,000 years ago in Yucatan.
  • A historian found the frozen and well preserved remains of an Italian soldier from WWI in the Dolomites near Italy’s border with Austria.
  • Police in Boone County, Arkansas, unearthed the deceased Lisa Marie Davis and cast doubt on her husband’s explanation that he buried her beside their house for sentimental reasons after she killed herself.

Read the rest of this article on Taki’s Magazine.