When journalists die in some foreign field, they die for you. Without them, your knowledge of the world in which…
Continue reading →A needless death in Gaza, and one less witness to its plight
The spectacle of a European or North American hostage – shackled and blindfolded – has been a recurring sight in…
Continue reading →War: Still a Racket
Barack Obama campaigned for president on a promise to end the war in Iraq and “finish the job against al…
Continue reading →Goldstone’s Guide to Gaza
It takes courage to confront Israel on the battlefield. Egypt, Syria, and Jordan’s puffed-up armies learned that lesson in June…
Continue reading →Britain can never atone for its colonial past
David Cameron spoke with unusual candour for a British prime minister a few days ago when he told university students…
Continue reading →Let Us Now Praise Old Men
(with apologies to James Agee, author of Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, 1941) In Paris at the Shakespeare and…
Continue reading →An Open Letter to the US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates
Dear Dr. Gates, Your cautious appraisal of a proposed American military intervention in Libya is an important warning from a…
Continue reading →He is the regime
The Libyan dictator is resisting the popular forces ranged against him in ways that his counterparts in Tunisia and Egypt…
Continue reading →Murdoch the Media Monopolist
Evidence is mounting that Rupert Murdoch’s British media empire conspired illegally with private investigators to tap telephones and hack into…
Continue reading →Women and Democracy in the Middle East
One of Israel’s finest journalists, Gideon Levy, wrote in the daily Haaretz, “Just as there is no such thing as…
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